суббота, 2 апреля 2016 г.

Vegetables That Are Perfect to Plant in Late Summer

Vegetables That Are Perfect to Plant in Late Summer

Vegetables That Are Perfect to Plant in Late Summer

Vegetables That Are Perfect to Plant in Late Summer Vegetables That Are Perfect to Plant in Late Summer The long dog days of summer are here as the days are hotter and the sun sets late into the night. Any cool season vegetable you had in your garden are at the end of their days and warm season veggies are still going strong. Now it is time to grow v…", "name": "Vegetables That Are Perfect to Plant in Late Summer", "authors": []}, "link": {"locale": "en", "title": "Vegetables That Are Perfect to Plant in Late Summer", "site_name": "Ann's Entitled Life", "description": "The long dog days of summer are here as the days are hotter and the sun sets late into the night. Any cool season vegetable you had in your garden are at the end of their days and warm season veggies are still going strong. Now it is time to grow vegetables that are perfect to plant in late summer for the fall.

Original article and pictures take http://www.annsentitledlife.com/how-does-your-garden-grow/vegetables-that-are-perfect-to-plant-in-late-summer/ site

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